Thursday, March 8, 2012

Assignment Seven

  A few months ago I heard a song by Lana Del Rey. The title of the song is Video Games, though it has nothing to do with video games at all, really. I enjoy the sound of Lana Del Rey's voice because it's unique in my opinion. She doesn't sound like most of the songs you'd hear on the radio. Her voice has different tones. She has strengths as a singer and she should receive more credit from the public than she does. Because of a performance she had on SNL, people were more or less shocked by what they heard. There were many opinions on her performance. Some said she did a terrible job while others praised her for her unique voice. Personally, I think she did okay. From the comments people are making, one would predict something much worse than her actual performance. It was a decent job, even though at some points in her song her pitch wasn't exactly on point. Maybe she was trying to do something different with the song, or maybe it was just nerves. Her performances other than SNL are perfect. She is a talented artist. Listeners who haven't heard of Lana Del Rey make their judgment of her off of one live performance and don't give her a chance to prove her talent, which she definitely has. If people were to listen to her songs, they could gain an appreciation of her music. She has a variety of songs and her voice ranges from high to low. Maybe people don't know what to think of her music, and because of that, just have a negative opinion on her. If I were to compare her to other artists, I would have to say that she has a level of talent that not many have. She's different and her music isn't all upbeat and fast like most famous artists today. People should open up their ears and minds to her music and realize that not all music has to be the same; it can be different, and should be different, but still be good.

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