Friday, February 3, 2012

Assignment Two

1) He may be more impressive than Albert Einstein because it's possible to be as smart as Einstein was, and discover theories, but it's seen as impossible to be magical. If somebody was actually magical, and not just creating an illusion, I think people would be memorized by it.

2) I would swallow the pill because if the person was truly my soul mate, then I shouldn't have a problem doing that. As much as I love music, I would love my soul mate more. I could stop singing, that way I wouldn't have to hear the way it sounds. I could also easily stop listening to music if it would always sound the same.

3) The biggest story that I'd chose to play is the one about the President. The other two stories would cause a variety of reactions, but the most important thing for the public to hear would be about the President. Knowing about the President's health and whereabouts would keep the public calm, rather than them not knowing and wondering what's happening.

4) I wouldn't give him the money to do that to me because I wouldn't want to change and I also wouldn't trust a wizard. I think that if I allowed the wizard to change me, something bad or unexpected would happen. Also, if I did it once then chances may be that I wouldn't be satisfied and would want something done again, which isn't allowed.

5) I would watch the football game so that I could see if it sparked interest. Since the future is apparently inevitable, I'd want to become interested in it. If I didn't find it appealing then I would try to, since I would later live my life watching the game constantly.

6) I would tell them that the there was a deadly snake on them so I stomped as hard as possible on the snake to kill it. I would explain to him that the snake did indeed die, and was disposed. I'd tell my friend that if I wouldn't have killed the snake, it would've bit him and kill him right away.

7) I'd want to see the movie critiquing me because it was all by people I know personally. I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say about me when I'm not around. I figure that it'd be easier for them to say how they really feel about me to a camera, rather than my face

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